Murmuration Studios

A primarily London-based production company collaborating with artists across Europe and the US.
Our aim through our work is to bring authentic and dynamic global stories to audiences; to create a bridge whereby cultures can connect in a meaningful way through theatre and film.
“What’s in a name…?”
Murmurations are this incredible natural phenomenon that are super complex and hard to fathom, but really beautiful to watch, and they happen all over the world. They’re the patterns in the sky that starlings make when they all fly together. No two murmurations are the same but they always have commonality.
In these shape-shifting flocks, as many as 750,000 birds join together in flight. The birds spread out and come together, split apart and fuse together again. Murmurations constantly change direction, flying up a few hundred meters, then zooming down to almost crash to the ground. A murmuration can move fast – starlings fly up to 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour).
Birds in the middle can see through the flock on all sides to its edge and beyond. Somehow they keep track of how the flock is moving as a whole and adjust accordingly, following simple rules of movement in relation to each other. If one starling changes its flight direction or speed, the birds around it also change their flight direction or speed. This change spreads throughout the group and creates the pattern of the pulsating, swooping, living, harmonized whole.
Murmurations are actually self-organized, meaning that it's the individual's little behavioral rules that make it scale up to the large group, to the global scale.
Murmuration Studios are a primarily London-based company, but work throughout Europe and the US – recently producing two short films in Italy, collaborating on a Theatre Initiative in Lisbon and filming in London, Berlin and Bologna for another three short films in the Spring & Summer of 2024.
In London, we produced Mike Bartlett’s “An Intervention” at Riverside Studios, receiving 4 star reviews from Everything Theatre & London Theatre Reviews, and are in pre-development for a feature film. Our aim is, with the power of stories, to create bridges locally & globally that help us begin to see from the world’s point of view.
This year, we produced Christian O’Reilly’s “The Good Father” at The Smock Alley Theatre in Dublin, Ireland. In his feature in The Irish World London, Christian shares about the production, “I found I was sitting on the edge of my seat, wanting to know what happens next even though I wrote the play”.
Rachel De Fontes
Rachel has always created her own work and producing the work of others was a very natural next step. She has witnessed (and experienced to some extent) the struggle that many artists have in getting seen. She has watched the same stories being lifted time and time again and the same ones being cast aside time and time again. And she has recognized that it is as much her role as anyone’s to change the way the industry functions.
She lives and works in the UK and EU on the Global Talent Visa but hails from Orange County, California. An alum from NYU Tisch’s Experimental Theatre Wing (BFA) & Drama Centre London (MA), Rachel has also trained with Terry Knickerbocker at the Esper Studio in New York City and with Helena Walsh in Dublin.
Rachel was telling stories from a young age - having signed up for her local community theatre at age 9, she's now spent 15 years in the world of theatre. Some of her other affiliations include: The William Esper Studio, The Lark Middle East/US Playwright Exchange, Crash Acting Studio, OBRA Theatre Co., and Helena Walsh Voice and Acting Studio. She coaches clients 1:1 and teaches on both the Young Professionals and Junior Professionals courses at the Young Actor’s Theatre in Islington, London.
Recently, she worked alongside Guy Pearce in 'The Infernal Machine' (Paramount) & starred in Mike Bartlett's two-hander 'An Intervention' at Riverside Studios. 4 star reviews:
'De Fontes had an ease about her that made her entirely gripping to watch' - London Theatre Reviews.
‘I was literally on the edge of my seat’ - Everything Theatre.
She starred in 'Lifeline' (8 awards in LA film festivals incl. Best Short Film & Best Film Noir Short) & has 25,000+ views on Youtube as Johanna in 'Sweeney Todd'.