About us
We are a production company primarily based in London.
Our aim through our work is to bring authentic and dynamic global stories to audiences; to create a bridge whereby cultures can connect in a meaningful way through theatre and film.
London is a great base for us because there is such a diversity of cultures and it works as a starting point to link out to other countries in Europe and beyond.
As social beings, our values are largely created and shaped by the stories we hear as we grow. Therefore the stories we tell and are told are incredibly important.
One of our ultimate aims is to give voices and due importance to unheard and neglected artists and stories.
We wish to bolster, support and resource artists of all backgrounds and experiences, empowering them to join the conversation and spark new ones.
Every story - no matter what corner of the world in which it’s set - is a mirror to our world. We may not see people or places that we are familiar with; there may be different styles, languages, landscapes, customs, etc., but there will always be human emotion, relationship dynamics, the personal and collective - the micro, macro & meta.
By celebrating personal stories, we are able to come to a deeper and more authentic understanding of the world we live in.
Would you like to support the team?
Murmuration Studios is a completely self-financed production company, fueled mainly by passion. Your support makes our continued work possible and goes directly toward covering our costs.
Thank you!